How to Prepare for the UX/UI Boot Camp

Congratulations on your acceptance to the UX/UI Boot Camp!

This guide contains all the tools, books, software downloads, and information you’ll need to show up prepared on your first day of class—and throughout the Boot Camp.

Tip: Read through this entire document, do the writing assignment, take notes, install the software, and bookmark webpages for future reference.

Not only does this preparation guide provide you with the preliminary skills and information you'll need to begin the course, it also gives you a glimpse of what's to come.

We Are Rooting for You

Once class starts, you and your classmates will be on a rigorous journey. It will be a demanding, transformational experience that will dramatically improve your skill set, confidence, and employability. In fact, the next six months will be challenging, frustrating, and even bewildering—you will learn a lot and you’ll learn it fast.

Want some great advice that will make your Boot Camp experience positive (and life in general)?

Prepare, work hard, and learn from others.

You won’t be alone. You’ll have support every step of the way from your instructor, teaching assistants, and the classmates sitting next to you in class day after day, who will be nudging you forward.

Cultivate a Learning Mindset

This Boot Camp will challenge you. It moves fast. Because it is a rigorous program, you must be prepared and have a UX/UI designer’s mindset in place for the first day of class.

Bring an attitude of curiosity, openness, and humility to your work and learning. That means you are:

  • Curious about how things work.
  • Open to feedback from your instructor and your peers.
  • Humble about imperfect work, mistakes, and making small improvements.

Challenge yourself to adopt a learning mindset as you work through this preparation guide. Get comfortable with the discomfort that comes with learning new things.

You will be amazed by how much you learn and create in this Boot Camp experience!

Prework Modules

Module 1: Install Your Tools

This module is designed to ensure that you have all the right hardware and software so you can hit the ground running on the first day of class!

Module 2: Reading and Resources

This module contains readings and links to tutorials that will help you learn the fundamentals of design and UX.

Module 3: Be Original

No matter how difficult the course becomes, you must always turn in original work. Plagiarism is not tolerated. This module serves to inform you on what plagiarism is and how to avoid it.

Module 4: Your Expectations & Reflection

This boot camp won't be easy. Set the right attitude and expectations by following our tips in this module. Then, reflect on and write about what you hope to learn in this course.