Module 4: Reflect on Your Goals & Mindset

There are two parts to this section. The first part is where you write about your goals and reflect on what this course means to you. The second part is where you read about how to be a curious, open, and humble learner.

Part One: Writing Assignment | Reflect on Your Goals

The following writing assignment is an opportunity to reflect on your reasons and expectations for entering the world of UX/UI design. It’s also a great way for your instructor to get to know you!

Directions: Write your answers to the following questions in a Google Doc. When you’re done, use the Bootcamp Spot instructions to submit your work.

  1. What are you currently doing for work?
  2. What is your current schedule like—a typical day or week?
  3. Describe what you most like about design.
  4. What talents and experiences do you expect to help you in this UX/UI Bootcamp?
  5. What were your top two reasons for enrolling in this UX/UI Bootcamp?
  6. How do you want to combine and utilize skills and interests you have now with what you're going to learn?
  7. What do you expect to do with the skills you gain during this class—both after the class ends as well as 5 years from now?
  8. Describe your ideal career. Share one more thing about yourself, something you’re passionate about or that is unique to you.

How to Submit this Assignment to Bootcamp Spot

Follow these steps to submit your writing assignment to Bootcamp Spot.

Note: You were given access to Bootcamp Spot when you enrolled in the course.

Step 1. In Google Drive, select New > Google Docs title it PREWORK. Note: This can be done after you have completed all prework assignments.

Step 2. Add your prework reflection here.

Step 3. Right-click the Google Doc and change the sharing settings to Anyone with the link can edit.

Step 4. Copy the link.

Step 5. Log in to Bootcamp Spot and find the prework assignment associated with your class.

Step 6. Click on the assignment and paste the Google Drive link.

Part Two: Mindset

Being curious, open, and humble will translate into a successful learning experience and even a career in design. Here are some ideas for how to apply that mindset as you navigate the Boot Camp:

Be Curious

  • Learning is an Inside Job: Like any craft, UX/UI design requires diligence, practice and experimentation, and a desire to continuously improve. The instructional staff will be here to guide you, but it's up to you to put in the effort and stay curious.
  • Try Things on Your Own: Don’t ask, "Am I doing this right?" Instead, apply a mindset of curiosity and attempt to solve problems on your own, and request assistance from your instructor if you get stuck. Do ask, "I tried [method A]. It didn't work so I tried [method B], which also didn't work. What should I try now?" Give yourself permission to try—even if it means failing at first.
  • Be Constantly Learning: Continue to build your skills outside class through online research, reading books, blogs, attending design meetups, talking with designers, or watching industry videos.

Be Open

  • Accept the Unfamiliar Territory: It’s easy to feel discouraged when concepts and skills don't click right away. The tools taught in the program may be vastly different from what you know how to do well. Remember, “learning is struggle.” Be open to the fact that you may not grasp certain concepts immediately. That's okay! Boot Camp isn’t about being perfect, fast, or right—it’s about being open to the learning process (which works!)
  • Put in the Time: As a newcomer to the UX/UI design field, be ready to put in your share of hours in order to master your craft. We've found that the most successful students put in about 20 hours of outside classroom time per week. Look at this time as an investment in yourself, and know that for every hour you spend, you are securing yourself a better opportunity after graduation.
  • Believe in the Boot Camp Program & Believe in Yourself: We've seen students from all backgrounds, experiences, and personal situations work hard, thrive, and succeed in this program. When you have a particularly challenging week, remind yourself why you entered the program in the first place as fuel to keep going. You can do this.

Be Humble

  • Be Patient: You won't become an expert overnight. This is especially important to remember during the first few weeks of class, when you are more likely to feel frustrated.

    But keep it in mind for later, too—when you reach the front end development section of our program, you’ll need to troubleshoot code issues. One of the biggest sources of frustration to new students of coding is the amount of time it can take to debug an issue. But the time you spend troubleshooting is a critical part of the learning process; each bug you investigate is a lesson that enhances your experience and knowledge.

  • Get Your Hands Dirty: (That’s why it’s called a boot camp, after all!) To succeed in this boot camp, you'll need to spend a considerable amount of time outside of class practicing and honing your skills. Attending class is just the beginning. Use your at-home time to work on problems that stump you and learn from your mistakes.

  • Team Up: Don’t go it alone! Form study groups and work with your classmates. Be open to learning from your peers. You’ll be surprised how a fresh perspective and another pair of eyes can help to overcome a bug or understand a challenging concept.

A Word on Self-Care

The best learning occurs when you take care of your physical and mental needs. This means getting enough sleep and exercise, as well as following a nutritious diet during the course of the Boot Camp. It also means taking breaks, adjusting your schedule, and taking advantage of moments to relax. A depleted mind and body will struggle—so take care of yourself.

Prework Support

Looking for prework support? Our team of creative coaches are eager to help! Request a creative coach session with the following steps:

1. Login to Bootcampspot (BCS) with your credentials (emailed 24 hours after enrollment).

2. Click "Support" in the top right.

3. Complete the form fields to submit your request:

  • Select "Session: Pre-work"

  • Enter "Additional Notes: Prework - Reflection"