Module 2: Hacking How Designers Think

This section will help you hack how UX/UI designers think! Why hack that? Because the more you can think like a designer, the more successful your Boot Camp experience will be.

These are the books designers working in the field have read. Once you read them, too, you’ll be able to have meaningful conversations with designers. You never know who you’ll work with or be hired by, and having a shared body of knowledge gives you a leg up!

Start by reading just the two recommended books and article below. From there, work on building a library of UX/UI design books.

These cover the fundamentals of design and UX:

Books on UX/UI Designers’ Shelves

It's important to begin building a library of UX/UI design books—having reference literature at your fingertips will be invaluable throughout your career.

This is a comprehensive list, in order of priority:

Want more? Great! Simon Pan at Medium has put together an even more exhaustive list: Medium UX Reading List.

Design Blogs

Keep up to date with design trends and philosophies by reading design articles. Bookmark these links and make a habit of reading them weekly:

TED Talks on Design